Friday, July 24, 2009

How wonderful to see God's creations!!

Again God showers me with HIS beauty! From the very beginning God created not only the heavens and the earth, but all living things such as the birds and fowl, and all that roam the earth! Just think about how awesome the beginning was.

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 2:21

My favorite times are when my hubby and I take our little rides back in the woods where we find not only old old houses some vacated, but still standing tall, but all the wildlife going about their business. I long for the day when I'm with our Father sharing with all HIM and all his creations!

Have a blessed day and remember God loves you and so do I....


Mary said...

Good morning my sweet sister,

I am sitting here trying to type with one of those marvelous critters God created!!! Jack the kitty thinks the letters flying across the screen is something to play with! I keep having to put him down on the floor, and he keeps jumping back up!!!

I so agree with you about God's creation. I still am amazed at the beauty, and in a fallen world. Just imagine what it was, and what it will be again. What joy the Lord must have had in creating - think of the joy we have when creating something little - and His is creating is amazingly abundantly, marvelously, so far above. He said, "It is good."

Love you sweet sis, and one day we will be enjoying HIS "new" restored creation together. Will that be incredible or what?!!

Sueann said...

There is great joy in the Lord and His presence is awesome!!! Thanks for visiting my blog dear one. All things are good with me and I hope you are well too???
Hugging you

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

It is so awesome to think about all HE created!! HIS creations are to say the least, breathtaking!

Poetic Artist said...

God is amazing.. He created so many beautiful things. Today when I was taking my walk, I started looking at weeds and thinking how beautiful they were and God took the time to create these just for his children..Thank you for sharing on your post.

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

Thank you so much for reminding us of the beauty God has created just for our pleasure. He's love is so evident, we are surrounded by it daily if only we would take the time to look.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post - reminding us all of the beauty of creation. Thank you.

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