Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God has opened the heavens

I was sitting here thinking about all the rain we've gotten here in VA over the past week...almost everyday we've had down falls that have raised the rivers and streams to overflowing...It's good to have all this rain at this time of year cuz it helps get out water tables up especially for those will wells. Just think about all the good rain brings to not only us, but to the wildlife too. Birds of all kinds even turkeys find a wonderful meal of worms that have worked there way up to the surface of the ground. New tender grass and folage spring up in the woods and fields giving food to the deer. Our perennial gardens spring to life as they get drenched in wonderful rain water. Can't you just see God up there in the Heavens spreading His awesome arms showering all the land with fresh, clean water??? Our rain has stopped for a moment giving us a chance to go out and smell the clean air and listening to all the different birds singing their awesome songs of thanks!!! My hubby and I have been so blessed to have found this little home surrounded by some really tall, old trees...Trees that house so many of my painted birdhouses. To see birds making their nest in them is just awesome...Then there are the ones I've painted that we've put on top over most of the posts holding up our fence.
I just wanted to share why I'm so happy to have the rains falling even if they last for days...God always knows best doesn't He...we don't always know that there's going to be a drout. Think about it!!! I give thanks for all the many blessings my Lord has given to me and my family...even through the tough times, especially through those times...I pray each of you have an awesome week, and don't forget to reach out to someone in need...it brings so much joy to those who do!!!
God Bless,


Mary said...

Amen sister!! It has been raining here too. I got tomatoes, beans, squash planted last weekend, and am thankful for the rain.

I miss you sitting on my porch.

Love you bunches!!

pchickki said...

What a lovely post. It has been raining here in Coos Bay OR also. i find myself wanting the sun to shine and sometimes get cranky and then I take a deep breath and realize that God has given Oregon all these beautiful evergreen trees and the rain to keep them green. Sun will come soon.
Thanks for this reminder

BeadRee said...

Beautiful post! We have rain here in NJ today, and I am reflecting on your lovely thoughts.

Brenda Salzano said...

I love the rain! And when we get rain for days, it just means we need to use that time for things inside. Why worry over things we have no control over? I love your writings, you are a great inspiration of happiness!

Brenda Salzano

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