Saturday, November 21, 2009


I was sitting here thinking I'm almost out of birdfeed for the birds that have been used to feeding at all the feeders I have hanging from trees in my front yard. You know I used to worry about them not having that food when I run out, but I've finally realized that to be "concerned" is a call to ACTION, not a call to WORRY! Yep, you know before I say it, Christ says to put our FAITH in God so we do what we can knowing full well God will take care of the rest!!! I'm going to continue to share what HE gives to us with those in need because I know that HIS will will be done in the end. I love giving as I'm sure many of you do...I know my sister has a HEART for giving...she knows full well that God wants us to share with those in need...I like to concider it also a awesome does giving make us feel? Wonderful. It's amazing how when things get really tight we can still find ways for giving. Sharing a stick of butter or perhaps a package of chicken that's in your freezer can make a dinner for a family with nothing to eat. I believe with all my heart this is one of the most important things we can do for one another!
As you all sit down at your Thanksgiving Dinner take time to remember all those who are struggling and may not have a turkey to eat...if you can...share with a neighbor!!! My dear sister Mary has shared with us this year...times are difficult for many, and I'm very thankful for God's grace and love and gifts of all kinds!
Blessings, and I wish each of you a very Blessed Thanksgiving and safe travel !


pchickki said...

I have so many things to be thankful for this year. All of my prayers have been answered and I have my health and so many wonderful friends.

I wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

God Bless You

Marie De Marco said...

the Lord is awesome all glory to Him. My family has hit a difficult time the past two months but, reading scripture makes it all better.
Matthew 19:26 (Amplified Bible)
But Jesus looked at them and said, With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.

Sueann said...

Giving is His heart! I feel so blessed this year and He has been so wonderful to me and my family. Miracles abound and I am humbled by His grace and unconditional love. All praise to Him!!
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you dear one and your family.

Dena E's Blog said...

Very well said and I agree whole~heartedly with you. So its silly of me to fret over what I can do to get others to comment at my goffy blog.It really means so little and is very superficial of me, with all the real suffering around. I too get concerned when or if we'd run out of crumbs and such for the critters that come around our home. So, I am happy that I came here to your terrific blog and read this, before allowing the enemy to get to me more. Thanks for sharing Bevie...Blessing Saftey and HUGS this Thanksgiving..Dena

Dena E's Blog said...

And never miss an opprotunity to say "Praise God for His mighty~ness!!!
More Hugs Dena

Sande said...

"... but I've finally realized that to be "concerned" is a call to ACTION, not a call to WORRY"

So profound. To interrupt lies with HIS truth; HIS heart is the 'saltiest' thing we can do.

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