Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How is your day going?

First photo is of a large wall I did for my grandson!

Second photo is Dewey &Me 1982

Third photo is of my mom holding Robin, from lt.Bill, Linda
then me, & my twin. Boy was that a long time ago...what fun..I found lots of all photos~~

This one is of me when I was 25 yrs old. I'm now 66 pushing what a difference!

But it's ok...I've realized it's ok to grow older, in fact I'm happy I am where I am today. More wise, but am so much closer to my FATHER!! I would never want to go backwards because I'm comfortable in my own skin!

How about you? Do you find that you are much closer to God?? My journey over the years have been one of way too many wrong roads, but thankfully they've all ended me up where I am today. A happy wife, loving mother, and a blessed grandmother. But most of all I am on what I suspect is my most important journey of all...My personal walk and relationship with my Abba Father...As my sister, Mary would put it " the one who loves me best" My heart filled with such joy the first time I heard her say that! Isn't that a small sentence, but a very big TRUTH??? The ONE who loves you best!!! He made us for HIM...He came down after Adam and Eve listened to satan and disobeyed God, and actually died on the Cross to save us all from a certain life without HIM...meaning we would be lost forever...How little time we have on this earth...just like a pinch of salt compared to just think about that...If you have never accepted God's wonderful free gift, please do so now!!! I know God wants us all to care about those who have not been saved and born again...and those of you who have know my heart!!!! I am so blessed that I've met so many wonderful people here and know that God puts us together to help each other on our journey!!! Have a blessed day Loving the ONE who loves you best!!!!


Mary said...

Amen!! Love you sis!

Rita T. said...

I loved seeing your pictures. It's amazing how we grow!

sara said...

That mural you did is amazing!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I feel like the older I get the closer I get to the Lord, and want to know Him more and more! Hopefully I've grown wiser too!

Tami said...

Bevie, Amen, Amen!! Your pictures are gorgeous as well as your art work!! Thanks for stoppig by and leaving a message to check out your blog it a blessing!!

Hugs ~ T

Sueann said...

Thank you Bevie for your wonderful comments!! I say Amen!!! I don't know how much wiser but I sure do feel closer to Him and I love it!!!

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